Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Argentina s Foreign Policy Argentina - 1059 Words

With a population of almost 42 million, massive stretches of land and terrains, Argentina is by no means a small country. Argentina makes up the whole southern half of South America, covering 2.8 million square kilometers (Geographia). Argentina contains some of the world s tallest mountain ranges, vast deserts, and large scale waterfalls (Geographia). Being the eighth largest country in the world with a large amount of natural resources, Argentina has the potential to join the leaders on the global stage. Although having latent potential, Argentina lacks the ability and experience to meet the requirements of stabilizing itself as a country. Argentina’s potential is accurately presented through its distinct sense of nationalism through certain aspects of culture and its ability to make effective foreign policy, but Argentina’s strong points are quickly overshadowed by its inability to stabilize itself economically and construct effective domestic policies. Argentina identifies itself nationalistically through its extremely passionate football culture. Sport and nationalism often co-exist, as sports provides a stepping stone for symbolic competition between two nations. The game of football did not exist in Argentina until the end of the 19th century (Barry). British immigrants introduced the Argentinians to the game in Buenos Aires, also the capital of Argentina. The Sport started to explode throughout the country and started to have a strong effect on the ArgentinianShow MoreRelatedArgentina: The Collapse of the Currency Board1595 Words   |  6 PagesArgentina is a large Latin American country located in the southern portion of South America. It is the second largest South American country, and it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Nations Online, n.d.). The country gained its independence from Spain in 1816, maintains a republic government, and, as of 2010, had a population of approx imately 40 million (Nations Online, n.d.). It boasts a strong tourist trade as well as exportation to the U.S.Read MoreEssay on Argentinas Economic Disaster: The Government is to Blame1284 Words   |  6 PagesArgentinas Economic Disaster: The Government is to Blame Argentina is a country with rich natural resources and abundant educated and energetic labor. Yet it fails to pull itself out of a recession that has lasted for too many years, according to its citizens. Many blame the International Money Fund (IMF), foreign influence, or political corruption for their monetary woes. However, others believe that the Argentinean government is to blame for the high unemployment rates and increased povertyRead MoreImf And Negative Impacts On Argentina1082 Words   |  5 PagesThe IMF and Negative Impacts on Argentina The International Monetary Fund is an organization created in 1945 consisting of 187 member-countries with goals to foster a global cooperative monetary system, promote international trade growth and exchange rate stability, and maintain a multilateral system of payments. The IMF attempts to achieve these goals by surveilling the global economy, providing financial assistance through credits and loans, and by providing technical assistance. The organizationRead MoreA Review On Currency Devaluation1120 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Imagine you are in charge of economic policy in your country. Inflation starts to creep up. The value of your currency is losing ground which is making the debt you incurred even greater. 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Brought to power new gov’t ii. With it, a shift away from market-oriented policies toward greater gov’t control of the economy in the pursuit of social equity b. Policies reflect priority for financial independence, social equity, and what may be considered a commitment to populist macroeconomic policies c. What stands out to many is the policy choices Argentina’s government has madeRead MoreBrazil, Mexico And Argentina1287 Words   |  6 PagesThe Brazil, Mexico and Argentina are the largest, most industrialized and most diverse economies of Latin America. The three became independent countries in the early 19th century and, at the end of it, slowly started their industrialization processes, which have intensified only from the early 1930. With the crisis of 1929 and the economic depression that followed, the industrialised countries started to buy less goods sold by the exporting countries of agricultural and mineral products. At

Monday, December 23, 2019

Edward Estlin Cummings Essay example - 1240 Words

Edward Estlin Cummings was an American poet – the second most widely read poet in the United States, after Robert Frost – born in 1894. He was immensely popular, especially among younger readers for his work; he experimented radically with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax. The majority of his poems turn to the subjects of love, war, and sex, with such simplistic language, abandoning traditional techniques to create new means of poetic expression. â€Å"Somewhere I have never travelled†, is a very highly acclaimed poem. The narrator speaks of his lover, and the power, which attaches him to her. The title, â€Å"Somewhere I have never travelled†, is significant to the romantic theme of the poem. It is quite a complicated concept, and at first†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Death and forever† describes the speaker’s feelings, like a sudden plunge in his heart because his love is so deep, aching and yet so full of hope and wonder. E.E. Cummings use of language is quite ambigious as this is only one of many possible interpretations. His use of diction expresses the love in so gentle a way, yet with such powerful and passionate meaning, effectively captivating the reader; it combines vivid images with intense use of language. The entire poem is a metaphor; the narrator is comparing his lover’s qualities, to that of a rose, though it never directly mentions the word â€Å"love†, the essence of love is worded beautifully. There is constant imagery of nature; the flowers closing and opening, the seasons and elements and references to the sense of touch, â€Å"you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens†. This reminds us of the closeness of the lovers and emphasizes the spontaneity of the lovers, their preference for intuition or feeling over thought. There is also repetitive use of the words â€Å"close† and â€Å"open†, E.E. Cummings is expressing the power of a woman over the man who loves her. She can open him as spring opens a rose, or close him as snow closes a flower; again, the use of language conjure images of nature, suggesting the vitality of their love. The subject of the poem isShow MoreRelatedCummings : The Childhood Home Of Edward Estlin Cummings1252 Words   |  6 Pages On October 14th, 1894, one of the most creative poets who ever lived, was born. 104 Irving Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts was the childhood home of Edward Estlin Cummings. This is wher e he began writing, at the early age of three, with the assistance of his imagination and his mother, Rebecca Clarke. Rebecca encouraged young Edward to write verse and keep a journal, along with helping him record his thoughts until he was old enough to write himself. He grew up surrounded by many forms of natureRead MoreE.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummins was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 14, 1894 and800 Words   |  4 PagesE.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummins was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 14, 1894 and died on September 3, 1962 in, New Hampshire. He was 67 and was buried at Forest hills Cemetery. He was married twice very briefly, his first wife was Elaine Orr, but their marriage started off as a love affair in 1918 while she was also married to Scofirled Thayer, one of Cummings friend from Harvard. During the course of their marriage Cummings wrote a lot of erotic poetry. During the affair theyRead MoreEdgar Estlin Cummings Essay example838 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Estlin Cummings The life of Edgar Estlin Cummings starts on October 14, 1894 with his birth to Edward and Rebecca Haswell Clarke Cummings. At the age of sixteen he enters Harvard College, and begins to write poetry for Harvard Monthly. After Harvard, he joins Ambulance Corps, and sails to France to participate in World War I. Soon after his arrival he gets arrested and imprisoned for three months in a French detention camp on suspicion of disloyalty1. On New Years Day he is releasedRead More The Poetry of e.e. cummings Essay3340 Words   |  14 PagesThe Poetry of e.e. cummings The poems to come are for you and for me and are not for most people. --its no use trying to pretend that mostpeople and ourselves are alike. Mostpeople have less in common with ourselves than the squarerootofminusone. You and I are human beings;mostpeople are snobs. Take the matter of being born. What does being born mean to mostpeople? Catastrophe unmitigated. Socialrevolution. The cultured aristocrat yanked out of his hyperexclusively ultravoluptuous superpalazzoRead MoreEssay about E.E. Cummings612 Words   |  3 PagesEdward Estlin Cummings is a famous poet and novelist. A true man of the arts, he also enjoyed playwrights, painting, and drawing. His lifetime lasting from 1894-1962 was vivaciously lived! He spent a large portion of his life in his birth state, Massachusetts, although certain life events lead him beyond the United States. Cummings served in the U.S. Army during World War I, and was a volunteer in an ambulance unit as well. A great portion of his life was also dedicated to his Harvard educationRead More9 by E.E. Cummings Analysis Essay673 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"9† by E.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummings was a unique poet with an equally unique writing style. E.E. Cummings was born on October 14th, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1916, Cummings graduated with a master’s degree from Harvard University. During his studies, he was subject to many great writers such as Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound. After working for five months as a volunteer ambulance driver in World War I, he was captured by French authorities. He was accused on accounts of espionageRead MoreA Brief Biography of E.E. Cummings688 Words   |  3 PagesE.E. Cummings named the most popular voice of the twentieth century. His death struck the world and saddened many. Cumming, who wrote nearly 2900 poems, had a rather hard life. He inspired many to write poems. E.E. Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts (E.E Cummings, poets.org 1). Cummings began was an early developer and learner and began writing around the age of 10 (1). He was the son of Rebecca Haswell Clarke and Edward Cummings (Berry, S.L. 29). He had one sisterRead MoreE.E. Cummings and His Wondrous Works634 Words   |  3 PagesEdward Estlin Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cummings began writing his poems as early as ten years old. His unique ideas and various poetic devices that were included in his poetry induced him to be one of the most remembered poets of modern day time. E.E. Cummings was an intriguing poet that is known for many poetic ideas. Among them, Cummings was known for his ability to create meaning using structure and his avant garde approach towards language. In his workRead MoreThe Unique Writing Styles of E.E. Cummings626 Words   |  3 PagesThe Unique Writing Styles of E.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. E.E. Cummings is most noted for his distinct lack of stylistic and structural conformity and was generally self-published for much of his career; it was only in the 1940s and 1950s that his writing became more popular. Cumming’s unique writing style is precise and uses key words to describe parts of his poems. These words are often times words that Cumming’s made up or madeRead More Visual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Essay1126 Words   |  5 PagesVisual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Edward Estlin Cummings, commonly referred to as E. E. Cummings, was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was a source of vast knowledge and was responsible for many creative works other than his poetry, such as novels, plays, and paintings. He published his first book of poetry Tulips and Chimneys in 1923. Many of his poems are known for the visual effects they create through his unusual placement of words on the page

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Native Americans and Early American Colonists Free Essays

Native American and Early American Colonists Grade school and even beginning level college history classes have taught early American exploration from a largely one sided view of the conflict between early explorers and Native Americans. The traditional image of the Native Americans as the sole victims, is an oversimplification of the conflict that existed between early explorers, settlers and Native Americans. Through the readings from Columbus, Bradford and some selected Native American writings, the traditional view of the Native American victim will be challenged and a broader view of the conflict will be presented. We will write a custom essay sample on Native Americans and Early American Colonists or any similar topic only for you Order Now Columbus set out to explore a new land under the Spanish flag to bring riches and fame to Spain and the throne. In his letter to Santangel, Columbus (1493) explained how he hoped to find â€Å"great cities† and â€Å"king[s]† but instead found a primitive people and settlements he described as â€Å"small hamlets† that he viewed quite devolved from the bustling civilizations of Europe (pg. 26). One can clearly see, that Columbus’s hopes of finding rich kingdoms and cultures were dashed; instead his presence was met with resistance from the â€Å"Indians†. This relationship with the natives was described by Baym et. all (2008) as â€Å"disordered and bloody† (pg. 25). These natives were mistreated even though one could argue that they â€Å"threw the first punch† but, as Baym et. all (2008) describes earlier in the chapter, the Natives were not merely victims. They strategically used alliances with explorers and settlers to further their own interests and disputes with warring tribes and peoples. William Bradford (1897) describes quite a different account of his coming to the new world. He was part of a group of â€Å"pilgrims† seeking religious freedom. He likens their arrival to the new world, to the story in Acts were the apostles are met with such aggression from barbarians â€Å"who were readier to fill their sides full of arrows† (pg. 60). Later on in his account, he describes an attack they received from the natives he described as â€Å"enemies† (pg. 64). Later on in his account, Bradford (1897) describes some awful events surrounding early accounts of settler and native interactions in which the Native Americans treated the english as â€Å"worse than slaves† and were sent around and â€Å"ma[d]e sport with† (pg. 70). One last important viewpoint to give credence to is that of the Natives themselves. This account is unique and oftentimes not told. The first story mentioned is that of the freeing of John Smith as a ceremonial act that the natives hoped would earn them respect from the English. This instead had the opposite effect and eventually brought about an attack from the natives which killed over 500 colonists. In a speech from Pontiac (1763) he expresses concern over his people forgetting their heritage and blaming the English for the polluting of his people’s culture and beliefs. He holds the English in complete responsibility and calls for their blood. The traditional view of the natives as the sole victim is an oversimplification of the problems revolving around immigration and cultural diversity. Just from these three personal accounts from the time period we have three very different views of the issue. So, to say that one peoples are the victim is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of history. Columbus, C. (1493). Letter to Luis de Santagel Regarding the First Voyage. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. pp. 24-28). New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. Bradford, W. (1897). Of Plymouth Plantation. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 57-74). New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. Pontiac (1763). Speech at Detroit. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 208-209). New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 1-218). New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. How to cite Native Americans and Early American Colonists, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Psychological Analysis of Girl Interupted Essay Example For Students

Psychological Analysis of Girl Interupted Essay Running Head: BPD in Girl Interrupted Borderline Personality Disorder in Girl Interrupted Girl Interrupted is a movie based on Susanna Kaysen’s novel, which was inspired by her stay in a mental institution in the 1960s. Incidentally the main character, played by Winona Ryder, is named Susanna. She is eighteen years old and begins the movie by reflecting back on the events leading up to her visit to the psychologist. She has just graduated from high school and other than being an aspiring writer, has no plans for her life. In addition she has flashbacks of her attempted suicide, though she denies taking a bottle of aspirin with vodka. When she was brought to the hospital they found bruises on her wrist, but she claimed she had no bones in her wrist. The psychologist concluded that Susanna needed some rest and sent her to Claymore, which is a private mental institution. In the institution, the psychiatrist diagnosis’s Susanna with borderline personality disorder. While in the institution Susanna meets various other women with disorders ranging from eating disorders to psychopaths. After two years she is released from the institution and deemed clear. There are many theories behind why people develop such personality disorders. The theories take psychoanalytic, contemporary, and/or developmental approaches to discover the various reasons why people develop with given personalities. According to Otto Kernberg, there are two developmental tasks an individual must accomplish. Failing to accomplish a certain developmental task often corresponds with an increased risk in developing certain personality disorders. The first developmental task is psychic clarification of self and other. Failing to complete this task causes one to not be able to differentiate one’s own experience from those of others. Not accomplishing the second task, overcoming splitting, results in an increased risk to develop a borderline personality. Kernberg theorized that borderline personality disorder is formulated by the failure to develop in childhood. In addition, Kernberg takes some of Freud’s view points and further theorizes that people who suffer from this disorder have an impaired ego. Freud defines one’s ego as a part of the mind which constrains the id to reality, and is the â€Å"referee† between the superego and id. People with borderline personality disorder externally scatter and internally contradict their concept of themselves. Kernberg states, borderlines can describe themselves for five hours without your getting a realistic picture of what theyre like. Furthermore, borderline personality disorder is clinically defined as ones instability which is evident in their relationships, emotions, behavior and image of themselves. Persons with such disorder may have feelings of abandonment. Often in efforts to manipulate people back into relationships, they take part in self-manipulating behavior or suicidal attempts. Suicide is sometimes attempted impulsively by persons in periods of extreme depression. In addition people often experience strong emotions and strong desires for intimacy. Susanna suffers greatly from these along with other symptoms of borderline personality disorder. One can see from the opening scene in her attempted suicide, that that was one of the leading symptoms. In her out reach for attention she overdosed with a bottle of aspirin along with a bottle of vodka. She also claimed that she had no bones in her hand, which could have been further self-mutilation or another delusional disorder. In addition she has a flashback of her intimate relations with the father of a girl from her high school, along with another man she meets at a club. When she is not around the type of intimacy she utterly wants, she develops a very close relationship with Lisa, who is a patient of the mental institution. .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .postImageUrl , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:hover , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:visited , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:active { border:0!important; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:active , .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236 .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua667cf9db2e602a1524a5a71fa939236:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Importance Of Physical Fitness In Life EssayThis strong desire to always be in a relationship is another prime symptom of this particular personality disorder. The reason for her development of her disorder was caused in early childhood. Both of Susanna’s parents were more focused on leading the perfect suburban life, and paid little attention to her. Thus from such neglect, they never realized that she was being sexual abused by their neighbor, who occasionally babysat her when her parents were out. Susanna began her troubles because she began to become unable to differentiate what was correct and what was not, further leading her to have the inability to distinguish right from wrong. She had no one to turn to and helping her develop is a crucial stage, according to Kernberg. In conclusion, Otto Kernberg’s theory of the two crucial developmental factors in childhood and the consequences of failing such tasks, appear to be appropriate theories behind the onset of Susanna’s borderline personality disorder. Although this theory has its limitations because it is not always necessary that this particular disorder is developed in early childhood. There are various theories looking into the biological factors that could predetermine whether someone will develop this disorder. In addition, there is always the question as to why Susanna was able to overcome this disorder, and why others cannot, thus further brining into play genetics/biology. All in all, the mind is endless and everyday people are coming up with new theories and reasons behind why people are who they are and do what they do. References Christopher, J, Bickhard, M, Lambeth, G Otto kernbergs object relations theory: A metapsychological critique. Theory Psychology, Retrieved May 20, 2009, from http://tap. sagepub. com/cgi/reprint/11/5/687. Grotstein, James S. (2004). Notes on the Superego. Psychoanalytic Inquiry,  24(2),  257-270. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from Health Module  database. (Document ID:  773905011). Kernberg, Otto F. (2000). Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders. Retrieved May 20, 2009, from Kathis Mental Health Review Web site: http://www. toddlertime. com/dx/borderline/bpd-kernberg. htm Martinson, Deb (2002, December 18). Borderline personality disorder. Retrieved May 20, 2009, Web site: http://www. palace. net/~llama/psych/bpd. html#kern (2007, March 26). Mental health: Borderline personality disorder symptoms. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from WebMD Web site: http://www. webmd. com/mental-health/tc/borderline-personality-disorder-symptoms.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Road to Mecca free essay sample

What Is the reason for Anuss visit? What does he want Helen to do? Marcus had been to see Helen previously about her moving Into an old age home. HIS primary reason for now being there Is to see If Helen has made her decision on this matter. Marcus asking Helen Youre quite certain that you want to discuss this now, Helen? shows that they were both fully aware of the reason for this visit by the Domineer. He is also concerned as to whether she is eating correctly and uses this opportunity to bring her some vegetables out of his garden.This is evident when Marcus says And at our age we need fresh vegetables, Helen. (wagging his finger at her) Marie biscuits and tea are not a balanced diet. 2. Marcus claims that he knows what is good for Helen and that is why he has come to visit her. We will write a custom essay sample on Road to Mecca or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Do you believe him? Why? I believe that Marcus in his own mind believes that he knows what is best for Helen, but in actual fact he has no Idea what is going on In Hellene mind or psyche. I believe that his Intentions are good and coming from the right place, being concerned and doing his Domineer duties.When Mans says You seemed to understand that the only motive on our side Is to try and do what Is best for you. Shows that he thinks he knows what Is best for Helen. Im concerned with her feelings, Miss Barlow, not yours Marcus: Miss Barlow, for the last time, what you do or dont believe is not of the remotest concern to me. Helen is, and my concern is that she gets to live out what is left of her life as safely and happily as humanly possible. I dont think that should include the danger of her being trapped in here when this house goes up in flames. This statement from Marcus shows us two things:l) That he believes he knows the best solution to her safety as he would not want to send her away if he didnt believe that it was the best decision for her. He also wanted to keep her safe due to the fact that her curtains had caught alight and she, had after a short while of trying to extinguish the flames, Just stood there and watched It burn. The concern Is that she didnt run out and/or call for help. She Instead Just stood transfixed and watched the flames. When Else says Dont talk about her as If she were not here. Shes right next to you, Domineer. Ask her, for Gods sake But this time give her a chance to answer. This statement shows us how much Marcus thinks he knows what is best for Helen. So much so that he takes the liberty to speak on her behalf without her asking him to do so. Over and above this Marcus has made all the necessary plans and found out all the relevant information about the old age home for Helen without her instructing him to do so. 2) He has feelings for Helen. Over all Marcus has a true concern for Helen and believes he knows what is best for her.In my opinion he does not truly know her sorrow, happiness or her needs. He does not discover her actual reasons until much later In the play. His Intentions may be pure and, in his opinion best for Helen but he does not truly know what Is best for her. 3. Else claims that Marcus Is In love with Helen. Do you agree with her? Why? I agree with Else that Marcus is in love with Helen. Throughout scene 2 there is a build up to a friend and Domineer, but in a deeper way. This is shown in the play on many occasions. When Marcus says, The moment I stood up there in front of the ingratiation, I knew your place was empty we become aware of how Helen stood out amongst the other members of the congregation from the onset. From the beginning she had made an impression on him. Those statues out there cant give you love or take care of you the way we wanted to. And, God knows, we were ready to do that. But you spurned us, Helen. You turned your back on our love and left us for the company of those cement monstrosities. Marquiss reaction at this point reveals his emotional connection to the situation. He is not merely a Domineer acting in the est. interests of a congregation member, he is a man who is Jealous of the attention given to the cement monstrosities. Furthermore, Fudged gives us insight through his stage direction, Else, who has been listening and watching quietly, begins to understand. Here we clearly see that even Else is aware of Marquiss true feelings. Marcus really begins to express his feelings when he says, No, you havent! If that were so, you wouldnt be asking me to defend myself against the accusations of someone who knows nothing, nothing, about my true feelings for you. Here he is admitting that he has feelings that up to this point he has kept hidden. Feelings that were perhaps not appropriate in his mind and so he chose to suppress them. When he says, a life I care about as deeply as any I have known Marcus is expressing not Just concern and love but absolute devotion. Perhaps the most telling moment is when Marcus says, No, I think I do believe you, Helen which only makes it all the harder to accept. All these years it has always felt as if I could reach you.It seemed so inevitable that I would, so right that we should find each other again and be getter for what time was left for us in the same world. It seems wrong terribly wrong that we wont. Altars death was wrong in the same way. We are left with no more questions about his love for Helen. Marcus has compared the death of this possible relationship to the death of his wife, Aleut which was a turning point and almost a breaking point in his life. It is clear that he wanted to be the person that Helen could turn to and rely on. He wanted to fulfill her needs. That he was not that person does not detract from the reality that he was not. Road to Mecca free essay sample Question 1 will require you to write a short essay based on language acquisition theories. (30 marks) Question 2 will require you to write a short essay based on English in Education. The question will focus on issues revolving around Motivation for language. (30 marks) Section B counts 25 marks. You will have to answer questions based on various aspects of language covered in this module, such as word-formation and morphology; content and structure words; and parts of speech and their function. These are the kind of questions you met in Assignment 01 2 for this module. You will have to write your answers in your examination book. Section C counts 25 marks. You will also answer questions based on various aspects of phonetics and phonology- the kind of questions you met in Assignment 01 2 for this module. You will have to write your answers in your examination book. The total for the paper is 80 marks. Remember the other 20% of your final mark is based on your Year Mark. We will write a custom essay sample on Road to Mecca or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) There only choice is in Section A of the examination paper. However, to prepare for this paper, you will have to revise all the material covered in the module. Please note that dictionaries are not allowed in the Examination room. If you revise your study material thoroughly, you will have nothing to fear. We wish you all the best in your studies and preparation for the examination. GOOD LUCK EED 201J Team

Monday, November 25, 2019

Story of Henri Charrière, Author of Papillon

Story of Henri Charrià ¨re, Author of Papillon Henri Charrià ¨re (1906 –  1973) was a French petty criminal who was incarcerated  for murder in a penal colony in French Guiana. He famously escaped the brutal prison by building a raft, and in 1970 he published the book Papillon, detailing his experiences as a prisoner. Although Charrià ¨re claimed the book was autobiographical, it is believed that many of the experiences he described were in fact those of other inmates, and so Papillon is considered a work of fiction. Key Takeaways: Henri Charrià ¨re Henri Charrià ¨re was a small-time French criminal who was convicted of murder, possibly unjustly, and sentenced to ten year of hard labor in a penal colony.Following his successful escape, Charrià ¨re settled in Venezuela and wrote the famous semi-biographical novel Papillon, detailing (and embellishing) his time in prison.After the books publication, controversy arose around whether Charrià ¨re had attributed events involving other inmates to himself. Arrest and Incarceration Charrià ¨re, who was orphaned at the age of ten, enlisted in the French Navy as a teenager and served two years. Upon returning home to Paris, he immersed himself in the French criminal underworld and soon made a career for himself as a petty thief and safecracker. By some accounts, he may have made money as a pimp as well. In 1932, a low-level gangster from Montmartre named Roland Legrand–some reports list his surname as Lepetit–was killed, and Charrià ¨re was arrested for his murder. Although Charrià ¨re maintained his innocence, he was nevertheless convicted of killing Legrand. He was sentenced to ten years of hard labor in the St. Laurent du Maroni penal colony on French Guiana, and was transported there from Caen in 1933.   The conditions at the penal colony were brutal, and Charrià ¨re struck up a tenuous friendship with two of his fellow inmates, Joanes Clousiot and Andre Maturette. In November 1933, the three men escaped from St. Laurent in a small, open boat. After sailing nearly two thousand miles over the next  five weeks, they were shipwrecked near a Colombian village. They were recaptured, but Charrià ¨re managed to slip away once more, evading his guards in a storm.   In his semi-biographical novel published later, Charrià ¨re claimed that he made his way to the Guajira Peninsula in Northern Colombia, and then spent several months living with a local indigenous tribe in the jungle. Eventually, Charrià ¨re decided it was time to leave, but once he came out of the jungle he was recaptured almost immediately, and was sentenced to two years in solitary confinement. Escape and Literary Success Over the course of the next 11 years in which Charrià ¨re was imprisoned, he made numerous escape attempts; it is believed that he tried as many as eight times to escape prison. He later said that he was sent to Devil’s Island, a prison camp known both for being completely inescapable and for having a prisoner death rate of an astonishing 25%.   In 1944, Charrià ¨re made his final attempt, escaping on a raft, and landing on the coast of Guyana. Imprisoned there for a year, he was ultimately released and granted citizenship, and eventually he made his way to Venezuela. Burton Lindheim of The New York Times wrote in 1973, â€Å"[Charrià ¨re] tried to escape seven times and succeeded on his eighth attempt- a paddle over a shark†filled sea on a raft of dried coconuts. He found refuge in Venezuela, worked as a gold digger, oil prospector and pearl merchant and did other odd jobs before settling down in Caracas, marrying, opening a restaurant and becoming a prosperous Venezuelan citizen.† In 1969, he published Papillon, which became hugely successful. The books title comes from the tattoo that Charrià ¨re had on his chest; papillon is the French word for butterfly. In 1970, the French government pardoned Charrià ¨re for Legrands murder, and Renà © Pleven, the French Minister of Justice, removed restrictions on Charrià ¨res return to Paris to promote the book. Charrià ¨re died of throat cancer in 1973, the same year that a film adaptation of his story was released. The film starred Steve McQueen as the title character and Dustin Hoffman as a forger named Louis Dega. A 2018 version features Rami Malek as Dega and stars Charlie Hunnam as Charrià ¨re. Later Controversy Georges Mà ©nager’s  Les Quatre Và ©rità ©s de Papillon  (â€Å"The Four Truths of Papillon†) and Gà ©rard de Villiers’  Papillon à ©pinglà ©Ã‚  (â€Å"Butterfly Pinned†) both went into depth about inconsistencies in Charrià ¨re’s tale. For instance, Charrià ¨re claimed he rescued a guard’s daughter from a shark attack, but the child was in fact saved by another inmate who lost both of his legs and died as a result of the incident. He also claimed that he was imprisoned on Devil’s Island, but French penal colony records do not indicate that Charrià ¨re was ever sent to this particular prison. In 2005, Charles Brunier, who was 104 years old, said that it was his story that Charrià ¨re told in Papillon. Brunier, who was imprisoned at the same penal colony as Charrià ¨re during the same time period, told a French newspaper that he inspired Charrià ¨re to write the book. Brunier even had a tattoo of a butterfly.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Answer questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer questions - Coursework Example There are a number of bones that were analyzed so as to determine the cause of death and possible identity of the victim. The bones are as follows: (A)Chimpanzees do exhibit a social behavior in the sense that they interact in a group setting whereby there are certain activities conducted by different members, this in the long run tend to benefit the whole group. (B)Working in a group setting has an effect on all members as it is mutually beneficial, it lays upon each member a task to perform this can be seen during grooming. (C)The reason for the chimpanzee behaving in this manner is that it makes their lives easier through working as a community to achieve a set goal. (B) The environment in which the animals live in and get there food from forced them into establishing or use of the grip or hands when it comes to picking food, climbing trees, grooming or their involvement in any activities that require the use of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Views on Education by Washington and Du Bois Essay

Views on Education by Washington and Du Bois - Essay Example However, many had argued on what type of education the newly freed African American people will need in the course of their lifetime. This question has given rise to the argument on the advantages and disadvantages of industrial education. With this on hand, the Industrial Education for the Negro by Booker T. Washington and On the Training of Black Men and A Negro Schoolmaster by W. E. B. Du Bois will be used to cite the advantages and disadvantages of industrial and liberal education. Booker T. Washington was one of the African Americans who were the slaves in the South. For this reason, he wrote the essay Industrial Education for the Negro. In the time that they were given their freedom, he immediately and strongly supported the industrial education for African Americans especially in the South. He believed that for an African American to live a strong and fruitful life in American soil, he or she must learn to work and earn for a living. In this manner, he had considered all types of employment as an honorable job, even doing the laundry and doing the dishes. In the process of industrial education, an African American student will be able to place his or her self in the American society and will be able to work and not be worked in the process. The learning in this type of education is necessary in order to be sufficient and skilled in the chosen industrial field. The ability to learn how to handle tools and incorporate these learning with mathematics and scienc es will allow the work to be more sophisticated, efficient, and easy. In amalgamating industrial education with mathematics, languages, letters, and sciences, a student, who will also be a future employee, will be harnessed and strengthened and will eventually be equipped for real life. It will open a door for the African American to the world of business and commerce. Washington also cited that he considered that the African Americans are capable of learning higher education and are free to achieve such education. However, he also wants to see his fellow African Americans to be able to use their â€Å"mental strengths† (Washington 357) in accomplishing daily practical activities and work. He also added that incorporating industrial education to the learning of African American students will allow them to pay for their own schooling and earn from their activities. Furthermore, he strongly believed that industrial education will not only equip African Americans in the light of industrial employments, but will also inculcate in their lives the habit to save and love their work, business, and economy they are a part of. Along with these values will also grow the individual’s moral values and religious foundation, which Washington considers supplemental values in order to appreciate and enjoy life, art, and literature. In the light of liberal education, W. E. B. Du Bois cited in his essays, On the Training of Black Men and a Negro Schoolmaster, that industrial education is essential, but it must not be the only type of education African Americans must be given. He believed that African Americans, considered as free men, must be given the chance to mold themselves into leaders that will soon rise and lead the nation. As a graduate of BA in Fisk University and PhD at Harvard University, he strongly believed that the African American youth must be given equal learning with the White in terms of arts, politics, philosophy, and other branches of knowledge . In this way, they will be raised as strong, committed, and well-educated leaders. He believed that education is not only a medium in order to teach a person to work and earn for a living, but it is the key to mold laborers to men and women in society. Working for a living

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis of The Friends with Benefits movie (Interpersonal Essay

Analysis of The Friends with Benefits movie (Interpersonal Communications) - Essay Example Friends with Benefits is a movie about a New York based head-hunter, Jamie, attempting to sign Dylan, an individual based in Los Angeles, for her client. When Dylan accepts the job and makes the move, he rapidly becomes friends with Jamie. The friendship turns into a relationship with benefits. Nonetheless, Jamie has an emotionally dented past and Dylan has a past of not being emotionally available. This makes both Dylan and Jamie not to attempt to fall for one another. In addition, both Dylan and Jamie terminate their relationships with their loved ones, both of them promising to remain out of emotional engagements. When Jamie employs Dylan to manage the art department of GQ in New York City, and she is the only individual Dylan knows in this area, they make a decision of becoming friends with sexual gains. The friends with benefits relationship between the two works properly until Jamie has an encounter with a pediatric cardiologist who might just be her match and Dylan asks her to accompany him to Los Angeles to celebrate thanksgiving. This illustrates a number of signals because Dylan may be perceived as being jealous of the doctor or Jamie may be sending new signals in the path of Dylan. (Bradshaw, 2011). This paper will analyze the movie, Friends with Benefits, and analyze five concepts learned in class in relation to the movie, providing clear descriptive examples from the movie of those concepts. The essay will discuss the concepts of self-disclosure, identity management, perception, emotions and interpersonal conflicts, and how they relate to the movie. Self-disclosure refers to both the subconscious and conscious act of providing extra information regarding oneself to other people. This may entail, but is not restricted to, dreams, thoughts, fears, feelings, successes, aspirati ons, failures, goals, favorites, dislikes, and likes. Characteristically, a self-disclosure takes place when an individual at the outset meets another person and continues as the individual develops and builds their relationship with another person. As people get to know others, they reveal information about their selves. In addition, if an individual is not eager to self-disclose, the other person may also not reveal information about themselves too. For example, in Friends with Benefits, on a night when they are at Jamie’s apartment watching a romantic film, both share information regarding the issue of relationships and sex. After self-disclosure, they both conclude that sex should not be accompanied with extreme emotional attachment (Bradshaw, 2011). Identity management is a continuous process which contains three associated phases. They include the trial stage, the enmeshment stage, and the renegotiation stage. The trial stage takes place at the start of a relationship w hen individuals are starting to explore their differences and willing to attain a balance for the sake of the relationship. For example, when Dylan is timid to move to New York, Jamie spends the evening taking Dylan around New York so as to expose him to the city and its opportunities. The enmeshment stage sees the emergence of similar features. For example, both Dylan and Jamie agree that sex should not have emotional attachments. Finally, the renegotiation stage sees individuals tackle identity concerns and using their past in attaining this. For example, Dylan’s father tells him to go after Jamie if there is an opportunity to save their relationship and not let a similar thing happen to him as it did to his father (Bradshaw, 2011). Perception is the method by which a person becomes conscious of events and objects in the external world. It may be affected by primacy-recency. A person’s tendency to give extra significance to what appears first may lead a person to see what corresponds to this judgment and to misperceive or distort any contradiction. For example, Jamie finds out that Dylan may be leaving his job for another one before the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Discuss The Importance Of Copyright Media Essay

Discuss The Importance Of Copyright Media Essay The highly digitalised era that we live in has had a profound effect on the way we all access music, were over exposed to it, many of the traditional boundaries have been eroded and attitudes to consuming music are constantly being changed . Music today is a mere commodity and obtaining any aesthetic value such as we saw a generation ago with the LP or CD is extremely hard. Indeed, it is extremely hard to fix music to a source in its current MP3 format and the speed of access of technology is serving to create a hypermodernity nature  [1]   The dramatic rise in music piracy via the internet networks correlates directly with the decline in of traditional formats and in general the downturn in music sales. The intangible nature of the format and the decline in fair use  [2]  threatens to undermine the frameworks of copyright which is essentially the currency in which artists operate and can make a living, as Greenfield and Osborne note, copyright is the vehicle that drives the music industry  [3]   With large record companies such as EMI constantly postings losses  [4]  coupled with their reliance in exploiting their publishing subsidiaries copyright of back catalogues, is the music business now unsustainable? Have we moved into the era of the independent label and start-ups like sliceofthepie.com, indeed is the very structure of the record company under threat and can a copyright actually work in a digitalised world? Speaking with key up starters within the industry and analysing up to date documents and policy I which to establish the relevance of copyright In the current climate, and more importantly whose interests does it serve the musician or the company? Has copyright become outdated in the digitalised world or is new legalisation able reclaim rights that have been eroded by the huge expanse in the digitalised MP3 format. The UK background In 1709 the statute of Anne, whose full working title was conceived as An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein   [5]  sought in an elementary manner to provide a basis of rights protection to the producer of a literary piece and of equal importance set the very foundations of modern intellectual property law. This framework protected the authors work for up to 14 years and after the expiration of the term, it became part of the public domain of work and operated primarily on a publisher-to-publisher basis. A key point of discussion in the legal framework of copyright as a product stems from the story of the French composers in a Parisian cafe.  [6]  Not only does it capture the notion of modernity but it also generated much discussion. Essentially the message outlined in this instance remains the same today. How can a composer keep his work his own and protect from o ther would be entrepreneurs especially if they witness an opportunity for profit overseas. In some part the Berne convention deals with this, essentially, it requires signatories to act multilaterally in recognition of copyrighted works; therefore, a UK song would be protected in a country who has signed up. So this really expanded the initial ideas and provided a western union which currently has the signatories of 164 countries  [7]   Domestic UK law 1911 the law was extended to include early forms of music and sound recordings, indeed, in chronological analysis of copyright, its apparent that the legal system keeps a close reign on new forms of emerging media, alternatively speaking; copyright is heavily connected with the market for information and new innovation  [8]  This suggests that the law may have been connected with technological advancements but there has been countless examples of a transient phase in which the law has been slow to react. Individuals and publishers look to capitalise on the interim period between legislation and use it to their advantage for example i Finally then we arrive with the 1988 copyright designs and patterns act of the United Kingdom which with its amendments are the current statutes in operation. The 1988 framework sought to develop a number of key factors; chiefly it provides value to the industry in the sense that musical work is theoretically bound for 70 years and sound recordings and broadcasts 50 years. So in effect, this added a limit to exploitative life of a piece of creative work falling subsequently into the public domain whilst balancing the public and private domain. In relation to the explosion in the digital market, especially the internet, the law did not provide adequate protection for authors, artist, and the creative sector as a whole. The European Unions copyright directive of 2001 in particular article 6  [9]  led to a formal amendment in the domestic law The idea of fair use in first generated here, in essence means that certain use of a copyrighted material in certain circumstances does not constitute as infringement  [10]  and as outlined in PIP law that sufficient acknowledgement is required when using a copyrighted item.  [11]  So for example if an individual was researching or providing a critique of a particular act and required a copy of their material to formulate thought ,then under the concept of fair use one would be able to copy for personal home use. Such a concept does to an extent relies on the good will of the individual not to make duplicate copies and profit from them, especially as since 1988 the pace that one can access and distribute a piece a music has advanced tenfold, I continue with looking to see if fair use can be more encompassing, in the digital world late on but firstly I feel its important to establish the value chain of the entrepreneur in the digitalised world. Adding Value Firstly, the overwhelming problem when applying IP to the digitalised world of music is what exactly is the value in copyright and how can you accurately measure it. Large consultancy companies such as intangible businesses  [12]  seek to unravel the value IP. A key consideration  during the process of copyright valuation is to understand the notion of what drives the value of the copyright. For instance, a living musician generally supports their back catalogue of recordings through personal appearances and new releases, buoying their copyright valuation. After their death or after the musician stops recording their copyright  value  may diminish more rapidly than expected, as the support is no longer there.  [13]  Today the control of works in tyied up in a ever decreasing number of companies. 80% of the world market in sound recording is controlled by five record companies  [14]  who also all have extensive publishing arms and who part of large multinational companies. For example, Time Warner also owns AOL  [15]  So The traditional model in value attribution and copyright is demonstrated in figure 1 (see appendix). An artist creates a composition and then can strike a deal with a music publisher who effectively purchases a stake and in turn offers various channels of promotion in return or can give 100% rights to the Performing Rights Society (PRS) and go it alone. As Roger Wallis discusses music, publishers in the past were concerned with printing and distributing sheet music and sought to persuade artists and record companies to perform and record the songs that they represented.  [16]  As sheet music production deteriorated so the economic value that a composer could possibly receive from a collection agency fell too, essentially any particular format is dictated by its social importance at any given time. Therefore, for a popular artist to produce sheet music today is likely to produce only limited revenue, many publishers only seek to produce in order to broadcast the technical value of their work and provide authenticity and technique to the artists current catalogue. In reference to the traditional value chain of IP the use of mechanical rights needs clarifying. If a track is used on a physical product released by the record company then potential returns can be up to 8.5% of the wholesale price of the product, this distribution process is overseen in the UK by MCPS now a part of PRS. Although this initially appears a high rate of return, I would argue that these high figures of return are unattainable for the vast majority of artists and that the whole distribution royalty system is symbolic of a top-heavy pyramid. In 2005 2,700 composers and songwriters earned  £328m, this is an average of  £121,481 per person.  [17]  Clearly, a select few artists are obtaining most of the money. This is very much an area where we have all witnessed a huge loss in potential earnings for the artist at the bottom of the pyramid, because of digitalisation has taken hold copyright value in relation to the tangible product. Been lost and although one can still expect earnings from royalties there very much now limited Although such amounts from use of an artist property appear drastically diminished with the emergence of new technologies, new collecting societies for the distribution of revenues have emerged an example being iTunes. Any artist regardless of whether they are signed to a publishing deal can expect to receive royalties if their music is downloaded and as ill discuss later I believe The traditional model of value attribution is becoming more fragmented and hard there is a series of new value chains emerging which are replacing the traditional model. The situation today Im dealing with small band as the entrepenuer My first case study focuses on Johnny Tams, guitarist, songwriter and producer with Gold Teeth The band have enjoyed a successful period of late. Their debut single has featured on national radio networks such as Radio 1 and digital networks such as XFM, NME Radio and BBC Radio 6 and subsequently they have been on two nationwide tours. The band have a management deal and as a part of this a percentage of revenue generated from royalties goes to them also worth noting is the band have no record or publishing deal. What I am aiming to establish is whether in the digitalised world copyright has any incentive in the creation of music. Firstly the bands management company, monster music management, do not seek to exploit the bands rights instead they are focused on taking a cut from live performance and online music sales; indeed they actively promote the free download of their songs using websites such as MySpace. Since an incalculable amount of people can get access to the songs the ban ds reputation could rapidly expand, indeed as the internet is global the band could tap into emergent markets a decade a go that would have been unknown to them. For a young band member like Johnny the internet is an additional market without the constraints of copyright and a way of opting out of the highly exploitative nature of a publishing deal. It provides a new model, a type of counter culture and is an ever increasing trend even amongst established acts. Radiohead for example pioneered this new terrain. The release of 2004s In Rainbows marked the beginning of an internet only pay what you like model. Having fulfilled a 6 album contract with EMI which started in 1994,  [18]  Radiohead no doubt felt the constraints of an old system were affecting their creativity. In the following quote, Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead points to not only the tired rights model but to an industry on the verge of disaster ; I like the people at our record company, but the time is at hand when you have to ask why anyone needs one. And, yes, it probably would give us some perverse pleasure to say Fuck you to this decaying business model  [19]   With the pay what you want release of In Rainbows, Radiohead received and were in full control of direct rights. They used publishers Warner Chappell as a consultancy to create a new distribution and rights model and begin to reorder the traditional value chain. In a press statement the CEO of Warnel/Chappell says; These new ways are iconoclastic in nature; they acknowledge the realities of a digital society and they challenge existing commercial assumptions. It is in this spirit that band and publisher are working together.  [20]   For Radiohead it was perhaps the combination of their leftist persona and of a large number of other situational factors that contributed to the emergence of this particular model. They were well aware of the current situation and that their work is widely circulated using P2P networks. Radiohead cleverly packaged the product by adding an additional experience, in this case a countdown website and a Speight of cryptic emails. In doing this they were able to draw upon the fact that human beings will actually pay for something if they deem it of value, as data gathered by gig wise suggests Radiohead actually recouped on average  £4 per download.  [21]  It is also testament to the inginuentive trailblazing nature of the model that the band was able to generate revenue from a particular moment in the constant changing process that is digitalisation. In suggesting this its easy to imagine a small band with out the financial clout really struggling to adopt such an approach. At the time of release all of the appropriate measures were taken to ensure that traditional collection methods with PRS were in place although the band has their own studio, these proved key to covering distribution cost which the band had funded themselves. The band also generated a significant income from an extensive world tour which since their last tour in 2004 has significantly higher ticket prices. Many theorists have suggested that creating such a model leads to a large amount of positive externalities  [22]  in which revenue can be potentially generated from the free distribution of music. For example the short term sacrifice in costs associated with making an album and releasing it for free may giveaway to unprecedented media exposure and Tours which venture into new territories. In the digital world many bands rely on these externalities to suvuve. In recent years major global labels have caught on to the potential revenue in externalalitie such as image rights and many larger acts are viewed as a brand image. This is defensive measure in securing revenue in an age when value once associated with copyright protection of works is no longer present. Its now commonplace for record companies to adopt an exploitative approach as a defensive measure in the climate of perceived threat of lost revenue. This happens in both in terms of minor and major artists and has been dubbed the 360 deal  [23]  Its increasingly commonplace for a small aspiring young band to be offered this type of deal. Labels play upon a young artists naivety by offering them a large sum of cash up front. In return labels demand a cut of their future earnings as a brand, everything from merchandise to tour revenue. A similar process but with more at stake happens with major recording artists.  [24]  Subsequently there has been a call for independent legal advice body as a necessary intermediately channel before the signing of contracts. Although well established superstar acts such as Radiohead have successfully pioneered a way of generating revenue, cutting out the middle men and protecting their rights, Johnnys band Gold Teeth may find it considerably more of a challenge in protecting their intellectual property by moving in such channels. Firstly, and most obviously, they simply dont have the mass audience or level of resource that established bands have. Secondly, copyright today, is viewed by many as actually putting an unnecessary constraint on young artists. Photographic orality  [25]  an idea developed by Toynbee suggests that putting young artists under the constraints of copyright is actually counterproductive in generating creativity. Artists at the early stage borrow and draw upon other musical influences to establish their particular sound. This well may be true; indeed Gold Teeth as soon as their first and most popular  [26]  single was recorded and distributed were formally advised by a major label to change a 12 second rhyme section as it sounded too similar to a band they manage the right for. They werent purposefully adopting a bands sound more subsconsiously adopting an influence. The problem of unknowingly sampling without adopting due consent may become more prevalent especially if we couple the rigidality of current copyright with the financial situation major labels are in. Gold Teeth are entrepreneurs of their times, digital in every sense the band have never released anything physical, and they view the internet as a new field of opportunity. Their music is readily available to download for free on MySpace or via ITunes, where an individual track costs 79p. Gold Teeth havent received any revenue from Apple instead relying on live gigs and PRS for rights based revenue  [27]  . Although it prides itself as a digital medium no money has actually filtered back to the smaller artists who make it work. Sceptism arises with Apple and ITunes as the chief rights holder for music on the internet. Unlike publishing companies Apple has no legacy in music. Its chief goal is in the development of hardware and is clearly driven by the profits associated with this, Acquiring the permission to sell music online is only present to enhance the ITunes experience. Apple also has the ability to manipulate an artists work without infringing copyright for example Apple puts emphasis on the download of single songs therefore destroying the feel of an album. It also uses the AAC format to stop the copying and sharing of its files. This file is unique to ITunes and requires an apple product to play it, although this protects against copying it also privatizes the digital economy If digital transactions are inevitably to become the standard way of operating in music then a new procedure in balancing the rights of the consumer and the artist have to be put in place. Also a level of regulation is required to protect New distribution models for a digitalised world At the beginning of the last decade Lawrence Lessig developed the creative commons model. It seeks to weaken copyright for the creative good of the artist, offering alternative ways of licensing. As part of the copy left licensing movement it builds upon the ideas of fair use, first brought into the legal jurisdiction of the UK in the EU directive of 2001. Essentially it allows artists to protect their work in the digital world, with which the required level of copyright protection that they see fit. Some artists may be aware of the inefficiencies of the current laws and do not want an All Rights Reserved printed on their works. Some might want a Some Rights Reserved or even a No Rights Reserved  [28]  Drawing upon this the model has four choices in licensing their music these are, Attribution, No Derivative Works, Non Commercial and Share Alike. A well informed music entrepreneur, in this case Gold Teeth are aware that potentially file distribution and mass circulation of ones m usic is not only inevitable has the potential to actually gain more financial success in the long run. If they chose the No Derivative license they would centrally register their work with creative commons, any sharing or distribution of their work wouldnt count as infringement as long is it remained true to the original sound. These labels offer clear and consise boundaries in which consumers and bands can operate. The model also offers founders copyright, this relates to the statute of Anne and offers 14 years of rights protection. Upon expiration, another single term of 14 years can be obtained therefore the model that work entering the public domain in a reduced time period gives rise to creative expression and adaptation. Adoption of such ideas would allow artists to be more expressive, sample and operate efficiently because of a more flexible attitude to protecting their property. Finally, given the economics of the digital world and the Attitudes to file sharing small bands should actively adopt digitalisation simply because distribution methods are much more efficient. Radiohe ad have successfully proved that promoting musical works over the internet is a positive updated method. If more bands follow the growing suit the major inefficiency of the respective deadweight loss through a copyright monopoly would be abolished at least in this end-consumer market and thus the dilemma be ameliorated a lot.  [29]   Within the past few years, there has been a huge surge in online music start-up companies. Where as the creative commons approach provides an alternative way in licensing ones music, Sliceofpie.com brings the whole processes of AR, Marketing and Financing a band onto one centralised domain whilst providing a high level of transparency to proceedings via a social networking platform. It allows a user to invest in a band by buying shares, the band upload tracks to increase popularity and eventually release an album, which is available for investors. Investors can adopt the role of an entrepreneur by watching their investment grow, The band and investors are therefore entered into a mutual partnership with an investors cut taken from any future externalities. This benefits the artist as it eliminates the exploitation of rights by the publisher, much like the model Radiohead pioneered but also provides finance for the band. The bands the Alps from Greenwich received  £21,000 to record their debut album from fans on slice the pie and were the first band to release an album using the process. The Alps own their own record label Elusive Music, are self-managed and oversee most of their business internally.  [30]  Speaking with lead singer and songwriter Daniel Hepinstall , its clear that protection of his IP is paramount. In this day and age what can one do? We decided to go all out and step out the box of the old music model and try something new. I have been in bands before where labels and publishers have hounded us for a piece of our rights. This models different, the fans choose, its more fair. The ability of a fan base to pave an artists career is not necessarily the ideal solution, but instead a mere step in the right direction. Music fans notoriously switch allegiances and loose interest, just ask any reader of trendsetter NME. Secondly, the main problem is that any alternative approach in protecting rights for the artist has to directly compete in an environment dominated by a dying model. As unsustainable as they are, the large fees put upfront and the PR avenues on offer from record labels are still impossible to match by sites such as slicethepie. Many of the acts from slicethepie achieve success but its relatively moderate in comparison to traditional methods, although more acts are give the chance to express their music to a digital audience with protected rights . Its important not to over criticise the potential in sites such as slicethepie as they are very much in their infancy. As I mentioned earlier, the industry, technology and legislation function together, If much needed copyright reform eventually occurs, then a new method would be able to capitalise. What is important to remember is that investors with slicethepie are believers in the music, they actively seek success for the bands. With the resulting rise in digitalisation, this notion has all too easily been eroded. Digital Rights Act, a missed opportunity? Downloading today and the systemic disregard for copyright law has reached widespread level. A recent Panorama investigation  [31]  suggests that 61% of 14-21 year olds download music on a regular basis and as a result,  £200 million a year in revenue is lost.  [32]  These figures directly correlate with the financial position we see many of the major labels in today, as a result there has been a huge move to tighten up copyright law even further.. Indeed, in a recent UN report suggests that on a multilateral the problem requires urgent attention, the following quote highlights this. Naturally, the control of illegal entrepreneurs with factories producing pirate CDs and recorded cassettes must be a major priority in all countries  [33]   Increasing the law past the 1988 and 2001 statutes is something that many industry bodies have been lobbying the government to do. Change in legislation is the only way to recoup lost revenue, Laura Marling: Illegal downloaders shouldnt be criminalised

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

I have seen that being a criminal justice major is awesome, because the jobs that are associated with a criminal justice major are really interesting to me. Being a criminal justice major has been something that I have wanted to do since I was watching crime TV shows when I was a little kid. These shows had most of my interest and the character that I would love to be is obviously the lead detective. I have always wanted to be the one who caught the break in the case that eventually led to the apprehension of the person that committed the crime. That is why I watched shows like Monk, Criminal Minds, Psych, etc. Basically if the show had crime in it and there were people trying to catch the criminal I was most likely glued to the TV. There have also been a lot of issues surrounding the criminal justice field that I find interesting. Some of these issues have touched on whether or not law enforcement should monitor cities’ more closely, due to the recent attacks on U.S. soil. Th e major that I have decided to go with seems to really fit me and I am anxious to start learning more about this field, and I am glad that I am not going to have to be on the front lines. I want to be a forensic accountant because I know it will always interest me throughout life. I am glad that I will not be surrounded by the tension that comes with respecting citizen rights and cops overstepping their boundaries between laws and respecting citizens’ rights. Recently I have had second thoughts about majoring in criminal justice, because of the fact that you pay your dues for many many years, and that just did not appeal to me and I decided to change my major. Forensic accountants deal with more of the business side of criminal justice. Most of these accou... ...stepping their boundaries between law and being a citizen. There has been some controversy over this system because it has been accused that it has been targeting certain kinds of groups. There has been lawsuits bringing up this very issue and most of them never were proven. In conclusion, I am very excited to learn more about the forensic accounting major. I do know that this major is going to be a lot of work, but I feel that I am capable of pursuing this career. The amount of jobs that will be open in this field when I graduate from college are enormous. In my paper I talked about license plate scanners on police cars and what I wanted to do with my life. I do feel that there should be rules and laws written so that it will protect citizen’s rights that they all deserve, and thankfully the career I have chosen will not force me to make those drastic decisions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of China

(1) During the start, when the first settlers came to China, the Chinese have been an extraordinary civilization, from its philosophies to technologies. It has been ruled by Emperors who have tried to unite China. Those who were successful were usually blessed with a Dynasty which lasted for a while. The Chinese have prospered and suffered. The ancient history of China reflects the beauty of Chinese ancient culture and morality. With more than 5000 years of history, China has a wonderful culture and splendid civilization. History of China) China’s history is told in traditional historical records that take us back to the three sovereigns and five emperors about 5,000 years ago, enhanced by archaeological records dating to the 16th century BC. China is known as one of the world’s oldest continuous civilizations. From the oldest resident in China and the oldest dynasty, Xia dynasty, there have been millions of well-known people who made great contributions to the harmony, unity and growth of Chinese civilization.They contain emperors such as, Hanwudi (Emperor of Han dynasty) and Li Shimin (Emperor of Tang Dynasty), famous scholars such as Confucius (Great Educator/Guru in Spring and Autumn period), and great scientists like Zhu Chongzhi and Zhangheng. It is their great contributions and efforts that made China appealing and pleasant today. (History of China) Chine has a continuous civilization and the world’s oldest people, consisting of states and cultures dating back more than six millennia.China has the world’s longest continuously used written language system, and is the source of many major inventions, such as what the British scholar and biochemist Joseph Needham called the ‘’four great inventions of Ancient China’’, paper, the compass, gunpowder and printing. China’s cultural area of interest, historically, has spread across East Asia as a whole, with Chinese religion, customers and writing syst ems being taken to great extent by neighbours such as Japan, Korean and Vietnam. China Facts and History) China, with a population of more than one billion people, is a country full of marketing potential. Having so many potential consumers, it usually gives out a positive attitude on how any product could reach its target audience. Nonetheless with a country so rich in history and culture, there are many factors to be taken in account by marketers. Some of the most important and influential elements would be the monetary policy, currency system, market agreements and environmental factors of the country. Overview of China's History) China’s business structure has been fluctuating from time to time. During 1976 to 1985 a ten year plan stressed improvement in economic management and a bigger role for private and collectively owned (as opposed to state-owned) enterprises. They still continued to attract western technology and investment and did a program of incentives to increa se agricultural production. New policies were introduced in 1984 which called for further delegation of economic planning and for growing reliance on market forces to figure out the prices of consumer goods.Since the early 1990s the government of China continued to ease controls on the economy. While taking a look at China’s history from a business structure, it is essential to check their economics background and other factors such as National Output, Labour, Communications, Commerce, Government and more. During the 1990’s China’s business structure started improving. The annual gross domestic product (GDP) of china was about $544. 6 billion.Agricultural outputs (which also includes some small-scale industries in rural areas,forestry and fishing) started increasing and accounted for about 24 percent of domestic income and industrial output (which includes manufacturing,mining, electricity generation, building and construction) accounted for 42 percent. Chinaâ⠂¬â„¢s labour force is one of the important facts in their business structure, their labour force in 1996 was estimated at nearly 584 million people. China has issues with unemployment and underemployment because of fast amount of population growth rate.About one-quarter of the populations was 15years of age or younger during the 1990s, therefore it was assured that a huge amount of young people will enter the labour force each year. (Overview of China's History) About 60 percent of their labour force consists of agricultural workers. The circulation of commodities in China made a huge change in 1979, state-owned enterprises have been unbound to obtain few of their supplies and organize a part of their product on the market; extensive use of advertisement as a source of information has also been clear.Over the years the reorganization of commerce in urban centers, has brought about a rapid growth of collectively and individually owned businesses, such as restaurants, teahouses, inns , hairdressing establishments, photography studios, tailor shops, and all types of repair and maintenance services. (Overview of China's Marketing History) It is very complex to identify exactly when theTextile industry started. Archaeological studies imply that the first textile, different from fur or skins sewn together was felt (non-woven) cloth created by compressing and condensing woollen fibers.It is believed that the locations where textile was first used are; Egypt, India, Turkey and China. Ever since ancient years, China was a strong player in the textile market. Textile production in China from the earliest evidence were cocoon of bombyx mori, the domesticated silkworm, which happened to be found in Xia, Shanxi, which was dated around 5000 and 3000 BC. Around just about 4000 BC the first textile fragments were found in Yuyao, Zhejiang. Scraps of silk were found in Huzhou Zheijiang, which happened to be back to 27000 BC. China's Textile and Clothing Industry) Since 1949 tex tile and clothing has been one of China's traditional industries and has remained as one of the important industries in modern China. This industry has experienced serious reforms and reached high growth for a long period of time. China has turned into the world's largest exporter and producer of many products in this industry. Chinese firms concentrate on the low-end product markets. They are still very poor in management and marketing skills.Technologies in this industry are not yet advanced and profit margins are pretty low. (China's role in the Global Textile Industry) Around 1979 China completely started its foreign trade, In 1979 China solved certain trade restrictions, paving the way for increases in the relatively small foreign investment and trade activity and by the early 1990s yearly exports totalled about $92 billion and imports about $104 billion. (Facts and History of China) China’s success has been primarily due to manufacturing as a low-cost producer.This is q ualified because of a combination of cheap labour, good infrastructure, relatively high productivity, favourable government policy and possibly undervalued exchange rate. (History of China) 5000 years have passed and the Chinese nation and society are welcoming much development in the 21st century. With the collective energy of 1. 3 billion people, China will enter a new phase in the 21st century and create a miracle for it people and the world. (History of China) .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How Does Hosseini Tell the Story in Chapter 17? Essay

Chapter 17 is potentially the most important chapter in the novel for structuring the shape of the narrative and may be seen as the turning point in the novel. During this chapter, Amir is handed a letter by Hassan writing about his son Sohrab and how life in Kabul has changed dramatically since he and Baba fled to America. Rahim Khan explains how Hassan and Farzana were killed by the Taliban and as his dying wish, Amir must go and rescue Sohrab. It is revealed that Baba is Hassan’s father, making him and Amir half brothers. Hosseini uses 3 different narrative voices in chapter 17 opposed to other chapters with just Amir narrating. This gives us a much more personal perspective into Hassan’s life, adds realism to the narrative and how corrupt Kabul has now become. ‘†¦suddenly a young Talib ran over and hit her on the thighs with his wooden stick’, contrasting hugely with Amir and Hassan’s childhood. Amir’s usual retrospective first person narrative is present however Hosseini also uses the present tense to make Hassan’s death more emotive as we can imagine it more vividly as a reader. ‘Hassan slumps to the asphalt, his life of unrequited loyalty drifting from him like the windblown kites he used to chase.’ Not only is this quote used so we can see Hassan dying but it links the whole novel together by using the recurring motif of kites, linking back to chapter 7 when he ‘chased’ the blue kite, and his ‘unrequited loyalty’ is evident throughout the majority of the novel, ‘Hassan never denied me anything’. Although Hassan’s death is foreshadowed however in chapter 16, ‘God help the Hazaras now’, Hosseini creates suspense and dramatic tension towards Hassan’s death by giving Amir the letter first before revealing his death, giving Amir hope and making the reader assume his journey to redempt ion would soon be over. ‘I dream that someday you will return to Kabul and re-visit the land of our childhood. If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you.’ This quote again creates a more dramatic and emotive response to Hassan’s death both from the reader and Amir after Hassan’s optimistic and promising letter. Hassan’s death is instrumental in shaping the narrative of the novel and is arguably the turning point as it forces Amir to seek his redemption and debt to Hassan to Sohrab. The reason Amir came to visit Pakistan in the first place was to apologise to Hassan and being the only person alive and able, ‘Now everyone in that photo was either dead or dying. Except for me’, Amir was the only one left to save Sohrab from the Taliban and Assef. Another key event in the chapter is the unveiling of Hassan’s true father, Baba. Amir reacts badly to the news and Hosseini portrays this using Westernised language to contrast with Rahim Khan’s traditional language. His anger is emphasised through the repetition of ‘you goddamn bastards’. This contrasts with the earlier chapters in the novel where Amir always speaks to Rahim Khan politely and with respect and could represent the influence America has had on him. Finding out that Hassan and he were half-brothers also makes his decision to save Sohrab even more crucial and makes the reader more anxious to see whether or not he will betray Hassan again or redeem himself. His decision to save Sohrab is foreshadowed in chapter 14 when General Tahiri says ‘blood is a powerful thing, bachem, never forget that’ suggesting that the bond of blood and brotherhood is so strong, Amir must save Sohrab, his own blood relative in order to fully complete his journey to redemption and atone for his sins.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Legend of the Chevy Nova That Wouldnt Go

The Legend of the Chevy Nova That Wouldn't Go If youve ever taken a class in marketing, chances are youve heard how Chevrolet had problems selling the Chevy Nova automobile in Latin America. Since no va means it doesnt go in Spanish, the oft-repeated story goes, Latin American car buyers shunned the car, forcing Chevrolet to embarrassingly pull the car out of the market. But the Problem With the Story Is... Chevrolets woes are often cited as an example of how good intentions can go wrong when it comes to translation. There are literally thousands of references to the incident on the Internet, and the Nova example has been mentioned in textbooks and often comes up during presentations on cultural differences and advertising. But theres one major problem with the story: It never happened. As a matter of fact, Chevrolet did reasonably well with the Nova in Latin America, even exceeding its sales projections in Venezuela. The story of the Chevy Nova is a classic example of an urban legend, a story that is told and retold so often that it is believed to be true even though it isnt. Like most other urban legends, there is some element of truth in the story (no va indeed means it doesnt go), enough truth to keep the story alive. Like many urban legends, the story has the appeal of showing how the high and mighty can be humiliated by stupid mistakes. Even if you couldnt confirm or reject the story by looking into history, you might notice some problems with it if you understand Spanish. For starters, nova and no va dont sound alike and are unlikely to be confused, just as carpet and car pet are unlikely to be confused in English. Additionally, no va would be an awkward way in Spanish to describe a nonfunctioning car (no funciona, among others, would do better). Additionally, as in English, nova, when used in a brand name, can convey a sense of newness. Theres even a Mexican gasoline that goes by that brand name, so it seems unlikely such a name alone could doom a car. Other Spanish Mistranslation Legends GM, of course, isnt the only company to be cited as making advertising blunders in the Spanish language. But upon closer examination, many of these tales of mistranslation prove to be as unlikely  as the one involving GM. Here are some of those stories. The Tale  of the Vulgar Pen Story: Parker Pen intended to use the slogan it wont stain your pocket and embarrass you, to emphasize how its pens wouldnt leak, translating it as no manchar tu bolsillo, ni te embarazar. But embarazar  means to be pregnant rather than to embarrass. So the slogan was understood as it wont stain your pocket and get you pregnant. Comment: Anyone who learns much about Spanish learns quickly about such common mistakes as confusing embarazada (pregnant) for embarrassed. For a professional to make this translating mistake seems highly unlikely. Wrong Kind of Milk Story: A Spanish version of the Got Milk? campaign used  ¿Tienes leche?, which can be understood as Are you lactating? Comment: This might have happened, but no verification has been found. Many such promotional campaigns are locally run, making it more likely this understandable mistake could have been made. Wrong Kind of Loose Story: Coors translated the slogan turn it loose in a beer ad in such a way that it was understood as slang for suffer from diarrhea. Comment: Reports differ on whether Coors used the phrase suà ©ltalo con Coors (literally, let it go loose with Coors) or suà ©ltate con Coors (literally, set yourself free with Coors). The fact that accounts dont agree with each other make it seem unlikely that the mistake actually happened. No-Coffee Coffee Story: Nestlà © was unable to sell Nescafà © instant coffee in Latin America because the name is understood as No es cafà © or It isnt coffee. Comment: Unlike most of the other accounts, this story is demonstrably false. Nestlà © not only sells instant coffee under that name in Spain and Latin America, but it also operates coffee shops with that name. Also, while consonants are often softened in Spanish, vowels are usually distinct, so nes is unlikely to be confused for no es. Misplaced Affection Story: A slogan for Frank Perdue chicken, it takes a strong man to make a tender chicken, was translated as the equivalent of it takes a sexually aroused man to make a chicken affectionate. Comment: Like tender, tierno can mean either soft or affectionate. The accounts differ on the phrase used to translate a strong man. One account uses the phrase un tipo duro (literally, a hard chap), which seems extremely unlikely.

Monday, November 4, 2019

PR Paper for Neat People vs Sloppy People Personal Statement

PR Paper for Neat People vs Sloppy People - Personal Statement Example I think that this essay is a great example of how the mindset of an audience can impact how they view an essay, a poem, a novel, or any other piece of literature. In reading this essay the first time, my own preconceptions really got in the way. I would consider myself to be a fairly neat person, so I found myself taking offense to some of what Suzanne Britt was saying about neat people. From the very beginning, I felt like Britt was unfairly attacking neat people. For example, in the third sentence of the essay, Britt states â€Å"Neat people are lazier and meaner than other people†(Britt, 225). Just reading this sentence, my entire view of the essay was colored as I struggled to overcome my feeling offended by what she was saying. I was taking her words to heart and comparing my own personality to the one that she attributes to neat people. One particular example was when Britt states â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heart. They have cavalier attitudes towards possessions†¦Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on clutter†(Britt, 226). I couldn’t help bu t wonder what Britt’s point was in this essay. She praises sloppy people and bashes neat people. Perhaps she knew someone in her life who wronged her at some point and was a â€Å"neat† person. I felt that this might be a potential reason as to why she was so vitriolic against neat people. A few days later, I reread the essay; however, and really took in the comments that the editor or author of the book had made about the essay. â€Å"Mingling humor with seriousness†¦Britt uses comparison mainly to entertain by showing us aspects of ourselves, awful or not†(Kennedy, Kennedy, and Aaron, 225). This description was helpful in that I was able to drop my preconceptions and read it in a new way. I was able to view the sarcasm and humor within the piece. I realized that the extreme descriptions of the neat people and sloppy

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Area of family gerontology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Area of family gerontology - Research Paper Example They are also not in a position to communicate the abuse and thus suffer in silence (IQ Nursing Homes.com, 2008). According to the reports from the U.S. General Accounting Office, 43% of elderly population will live in a nursing home during a lifetime and of these atleast 3 million will be subjected to abuse and atleast 300,000 will die following abuse and neglect at nursing homes (cited in Roberts, 2004). Abuse and negligence leads to violation of human rights of the elderly people who deserve to be respected and have the right to live with dignity and comfort. Infact, the very purpose of admitting then to nursing homes is to make them feel comfortable and get assistance round the clock. Exploitation of their physical and mental vulnerability by means of abuse and neglect needs to be condemned and prevented. Many organizations, groups, laws and reports have devised methods of prevention of abuse and neglect in nursing homes. This article explores some of the measures which help prev ent abuse and neglect. Focus and research statement Is abuse and neglect of elderly common in the nursing homes of United States? Background information Types of abuse in nursing homes Abuse in the elderly can be physical, sexual, emotional or even wrongful death. Financial exploitation and abuse can also occur. Most of the times, abuse occurs by the staff of the nursing home. However, abuse can occur from other residents of the nursing home too. This article mainly concentrates on abuse from the staff. Abuse of the residents can lead to many consequences which vary in intensity ranging from mild discomfort to serious consequences like dehydration, starvation, serious injuries, bedsores and even death. The most common forms of abuse are neglect and caretaking mistreatment (Griffore et al, 2009). Indicators of abuse and negligence in nursing homes In majority of cases, abuse is not obvious and may be missed easily if a family member or a loved person is not watching intentionally. Si nce most of the times, the elderly person is not in a position to address and communicate abuse and neglect which he or she is subjected to, the family member or the loved person must make effort to identify abuse and neglect through various signs and symptoms of abuse (IQ Nursing Homes.com, 2008). When the elderly person becomes withdrawn or non-communicative, emotional abuse must be suspected. Other signs and symptoms of emotional abuse are anxiety, agitation, involuntary seclusion, mood swings, feeling of low self esteem, depression and strange behaviour like sucking, rocking and biting. Since many elderly people develop these features as part of their disease and old age, presence of symptoms and signs of emotional abuse can be attributed to old age mental conditions (IQ Nursing Homes.com, 2008). One clue to the fact that these symptoms actually are due to abuse and neglect is the fact that the onset of symptoms has occurred after admission to the nursing home. Signs and symptom s of physical abuse are unexplained injuries or accidents leading to bruises, abrasions, cuts, damage to the skin, fractures, welts, burns, broken eye glasses, lacerations and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Organization Leadership Experience, Communication and the Power of Essay

Organization Leadership Experience, Communication and the Power of Questions - Essay Example In my organizations coaching process, good communication is demonstrated through effective use of technological aids, and conduction of surveys regularly to get the reviews and insights from the coach as well as the coachees. These surveys reveal information about the level of satisfaction of both the coach and the coachee with the coaching process, and their proposed measures for making the communication more effective. â€Å"What [the coachees] do want is ongoing communication with their executives concerning the "big picture" -- how their work is making a difference and suggestions on how they can improve† (Goldsmith, 2009). In my high school, I had experience of coaching as I had to prepare myself for a Football match between my school and another school’s team. I was assigned a coach who was very good at communication. By telling us hand symbols and their meanings, he provided us with a way to communicate with each other over long distances and in loud and noisy grounds. Our coach remained curious as to whether we were all able to understand him from a distance; â€Å"Curiosity on the part of coaches empowers teachers to find their own answers, to be more resourceful, and to discover new possibilities for moving forward† (Tschannen-Moran and Tschannen-Moran, 2010). At the end of each session, the coach would ask us what we understood when he made a certain symbol, and our responses reassured him that we had received his messages correctly. Contrary to this, another coach with whom I worked in the sports complex employed the use of mobile phones for communication over long distances, whic h was impracticable since we either ran out of signals or something else would happen to disrupt the communication or the quality of game such as accidentally dropping the mobile phone while running. Rather than asking us whether we found communication over mobiles effective or not in